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雙床房 Triple Room

雙床房 Triple Room


There are 1 double bed and 1 single bed with private bathroom. Ideal for couples or a small group of family or friends. Book via our official website/phone/email and get complimentary breakfast!

最多入住人數 Capacity:3人 – 3 persons

床型 Beds:1張雙人床、1張單人床 – 1 double and 1 single

衛浴 Baths:客房內乾濕分離淋浴衛浴 –  en suite shower and separate toilet

每晚價格 Rates/Per Night:平日/週一~週四、假日/週五~周日及台灣國定假日、連假,中國十一連假
二人以下平日NT$2,000,假日NT$2,200,每多一人加NT$500,寵物清潔費每隻每晚加NT$300 – sleeps 2 or less weekdays for NT$2,000; weekends & holidays for NT$2,200; additional NT$500 charge per person; additional NT$300 charge per pet.

鱟墅提供毛巾、浴巾及沐浴清潔用品,請旅客自備牙刷、牙膏等個人衛生用品。如需鱟墅提供,請事先告知。We offer complimentary shower gel, shampoo and towels for this room. To save our planet and reduce waste, we suggest that you bring your own toothbrushes. Complimentary toothbrushes can be arranged upon request.

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旅客將有以下免費服務 Guests enjoy below free services

旅遊諮詢 trip advice

代訂租車及行動wi-fi分享器 assistance in renting car and mobile wi-fi router

迎賓點心、茶、咖啡 welcome tea, coffee and snacks (self-service)

代購及寄送金門伴手禮(郵遞費用須自行負擔) assistance in purchasing and couriering souvenirs (guests should bear all cost)

代為預約景點解說服務、預約古寧頭電瓶車遊程 assistance in making tour-guiding appointments

設備 Facilities

民宿全區wi-fi wi-fi in all rooms and common space

民宿鄰近廣場或公共停車場停車 free off-road parking nearby

吹風機 hairdryer

液晶電視及MOD(電視頻道+電影區) flat-screen TV (TV channels & free movies)

分離式冷暖氣 A/C and heater provided

客房內乾濕分離淋浴衛浴 en suite and separate toilet

小廚房家電及用品(使用後需自行清潔並物歸原位) kitchenette (self-service)

洗衣機 washing machine

民宿自行車免費借用 free bikes upon request

鄰近景點K-Bike腳踏車借用(使用悠遊卡、信用卡) nearby K-bike rental station (easycard or credit card will be required)


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